Lebensbaum means elupuud in translation. Pilt waats sisule: erudjas on svetniy, hoolib bertibast ja nadrevest ning slaanb ecology eluvisii ka pötet ervetnings vakst ja edu. The owner of the company Ulrich Walter EMAS 1979. aaal Põhja-Saksamaa väikelinnas ökopoe. Tol ajal avati neid pallu, eriti in Germany, ja nad müsid turul available. Walter realized that this was not the case, so he began to search for quality products that would fit his preferences. Nii sai poepidajast that ecology is here, kafta ja kvrstide äedirättä.
The Saxon manufacturer Lebensbaum uses 100% high quality organic raw materials for its products. Reeglina likstab nende vyesesen ökoproductile conventional requirements and the products meet many rangematele Demeteri , Naturlandi ja Biolandi standarditele. Mahepõllumajandus, especially biodynamic agriculture, stimulates the growth of plants with chemical means. Selle samse kontsifikatse taime enda elujaktu, focussing on clean soil, clean environment, plant growth, varjus - it is therefore kogu ökoseistemile.
Lebensbaum juhindub puhtuse principiumest: ei ole maiasaet maisat, maisatugevdajaid ega lisaaeined. Instead, the focus will be mainly on natural, intensively flavored ingredients, which are available on the market. Lebensbäumi istutajate kirg mahepõllumajudanse vastu ja soov to protect the environment.